#sparkchamber 013017 Colin Flahive
013017 Colin Flahive
In this week’s #sparkchamber, we bring you Colin Flahive, a writer, entrepreneur, and coffee-house owner living in China. Check out his book, www.amazon.com/Great-Leaps-Finding-Changing-China-ebook/dp/B018GBR5JS, and energy snacks, dalibars.com, and if you’re every in Kunming, definitely check out Salvador’s! www.salvadors.cn/
1] Where do ideas come from?
Often while laying in bed to sleep and then I'm suddenly wide awake with ideas that won't let me sleep. Also when I am riding my motorcycle I often get momentary floods of clarity.
2] What is the itch you are scratching?
For me it is writing. I feel I have things to say and I need to get them out on paper in the most efficient language I can manage.
3] Early bird or night owl? Tortoise or hare?
Early for people in Kunming, but that is not saying much. I try not to hesitate pursuing new ideas.
4] How do you know when you are done?
For me, since I like writing, I never quite feel like it is done. I feel like it could always be better. But there comes a time when I just need to move on to the next project. I think for other kinds of art it is more difficult to continue improving. It is easier to just be done with it. But writing can be an endless project.