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Words about words, brands, names and naming, and the creative process.

#sparkchamber 021119 — Tianna Marinucci

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It’s Family February in the #sparkchamber as we welcome Tianna Marinucci, the multi-talented, career-focused daughter of last week’s guest. From Manitoba and Ontario, Tianna is now enjoying her second year at McGill University, studying English Literature and Economics. She is fully bilingual, having attended Intensive French Immersion schooling, and she loves to translate and edit. She is a globe-trotter — lives to travel — but is also equally comfortable holed-up in a cozy library. A true ambivert. Tianna is a talented artist as well — watercolors, sketches, photography, fashion — with a wonderful eye for detail and beauty.

Active in student government, the Model U.N, and her sorority, as well as a peer tutor — where does she find the energy? “I am influenced by the motivated people that I am lucky enough to be surrounded by every day. They are seriously always on the go — it forces you to keep up the pace. My family inspires me, especially my Dad and wonderful bonus Mom, Sarah. Their sacrifices and continuous hard work motivate me to put in the extra effort every day.”

We’re going to keep an eye on this rising star for sure!

1.] Where do ideas come from?

Ideas come from everywhere, literally everywhere. Sometimes I see people in public and form the funniest SNL skits in my mind about mannerisms I imagine they possess. The notes on my phone are filled with random soundbites, hopefully, they’ll eventually prove relevant. Once I stop thinking, the best ideas come.

2.] What is the itch you are scratching?

Creating is an impulse for me, it’s like looking through the fridge when you’re not even hungry. Curiosity is my guiding principle when I create. I am way too inquisitive to leave any “what if’s” unanswered. 

3.] Early bird or night owl? Tortoise or hare?

I work whenever there’s something to be done — or whenever the caffeine kicks in. I work well in bright spaces with an unlimited supply of lattes, and in good company [but not too good]. 

4.] How do you know when you are done?

I am never done unless the deadline tells me I am.