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Words about words, brands, names and naming, and the creative process.

#sparkchamber 032122 — Beccy Goldberg

The third Monday in March is #ActHappyDay, and #spackchamber has just the thing as we share our sheer delight in welcoming musician — and so much more — Beccy Goldberg. “An unusual, varied career as professional horn player, leading to confidence coaching, holistic medicine and a quest for kindness. Add beloved pet sheep to the mix then tourism work gets interesting.”

Beccy is the visionary behind Naughty Sheep, offering a wondrous variety of experiences. How about a traditional, formal tea in the garden looking out over panoramic views of beautiful Loch Lomand Scotland — interrupted by cuddly pet sheep with hilariously appalling table manners? Perhaps a guided meditation with sleepy sheep — even more rejuvenating than counting them ;-) — or a business leadership training with a sheepy twist — uplifting and inspiring leader-sheep tips and techniques? Or take it all, with a three-day wellness weekend in the unparalleled beauty of rural Scotland — a cozy adventure with Naughty Sheep, nature, and mindfulness.

“I like the quirky or extreme and enjoy juxtapositions. The horn combines beauty with danger, traditional afternoon tea with lace and vintage china is hosted by unpredictable baaad boys and … who knew sheep could meditate, be therapy animals or teach flock happiness to business leaders? I like caring for guests, surprising them, sharing a wholesome joy and escape from real-life stress in nature and hilarious, affectionate animal interaction. Oh and maybe instilling animal welfare by stealth too.”

This makes us so happy! Enjoy your happy day.

1.] Where do ideas come from?

For me, they flow through real-life circumstances and seeing potential of things in front of you. Finding joy in a moment and asking yourself if it can be shared. The development and structure of an idea comes when I set myself the task before sleep or with written explorations. There’s an element of trusting the universe to help with direction I guess, then lots of concentration and intense work from me to tether an idea to the ground so it can have roots and grow into reality.

2.] What is the itch you are scratching?

World problems seem huge and impenetrable but I can make my tiny corner a good, clean place to be and radiate that kindness outward. [Also I confess I am on a one-woman mission to educate the world about intelligent, intuitive, gorgeous sheep.]

3.] Early bird or night owl? Tortoise or hare?

Always striving for the highest professional standards means adjusting and refining, learning from colleagues and saying yes. Plate spinning, fabulous diary management, lists, attention to detail and self-discipline, outweighs the enjoyable daydreams bit in my creative process. I deliberately combine career strands e.g., using sonata form to structure an event or using holistic observation training to identify trigger points for healing. Lots of prep and practice, then a calm, gentle space to be Mindful in the moment. Long solo car journeys and nights are great for conversations with myself about new ideas and for conscientious evaluation. And then I get lucky.

4.] How do you know when you are done?

When you feel proud and excited and have to hide the big grin? You know there is substance and integrity at the core of your creation and people get far more than they thought possible from your creation, plus it’s polished yet live and spontaneous and bypasses everything to speak to hearts.