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Words about words, brands, names and naming, and the creative process.

#sparkchamber 051622 — Theodore Lederman

One thing leads to the next, and that’s the way life stories are written. Today, #sparkchamber welcomes writer Theodore Lederman who started his career working in a gas station at age 13, and after a few years of community college, “lucked into a job” as a stagehand on Miami Vice — the original series. Now connected with Brand X Event Lab, who design, build, and produce amazing experiences for the world’s most iconic brands. We love stories like this!

1.] Where do ideas come from?

From Every single thing the old hard drive in your head has printed for as long as you’ve lived. When a directive comes in, think what made you happy, sad, angry, surprised, amused; What are your sensitivities, sensibilities? We all have them, but finding and conveying commonality and cleverness is the caveat. How do I do it? *See question 3.

2.] What is the itch you are scratching?

From as early as the second grade, I was writing poetry. I just wanted to make people laugh at the time. I submitted a few to a teacher, and she paired me up with the librarian who was a published writer. As shy as I was, she gave me the confidence to share my thoughts; it took off from there. Some people never grow up, thankfully.

3.] Early bird or night owl? Tortoise or hare?

The most productive times for me creatively are the first five minutes after I wake up and the world hasn’t fogged up my head yet, and my long drive home when I’m on autopilot; there’s something about a mindless task that opens the floodgates. Tablet is always next to the bed and in the car on my long drive home. I pull over a lot.

4.] How do you know when you are done?

I pace around reading the words or listening to the song alone and say out loud, “OK…It’s done, it’s done….it’s done.” Third time’s a charm.