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Words about words, brands, names and naming, and the creative process.

#sparkchamber 060622 — Bish

Short and sweet in #sparkchamber today as Bish, an Associate Creative Director at VCCP in London, sprints through with some wise words. [Working at one of the top five biggest and best advertising agencies in the world doesn’t leave a lot of time for chit-chat!]

Founded in 2002 on the principles of simplicity, collaboration, un-preciousness, and integration around ideas rather than channels, VCCP takes pride in creating innovative and exciting advertising that transforms the fortunes of brands. And Bish’s 30-year career there [as well as other agencies including The Leith Agency and TBWA Manchester] is full of success stories — and awards and mentions — creating big campaigns for O2, easyJet, Breast Cancer Now, Wickes, Cadbury, First Utility, Eurocamp, Bulmers, Canon, Tfl, IrnBru and many more. Thanks for dropping by!

1.] Where do ideas come from?

Deadlines are a constant. Lots of pressure all the time.

2.] What is the itch you are scratching?

I have no choice. Creative is in me. It just comes out.

3.] Early bird or night owl? Tortoise or hare?

That’s a tricky one. The pressure in my business isn’t actually conducive to thinking. So it’s quite a painful process. There’s never enough time. I often carry a creative problem like a burden and don’t get any peace until it’s solved.

A trick I use is to think about it before I sleep and my brain does the work; and when I wake I have ideas. Also, as you get older you have what we call a bottom drawer. Ideas that are good but didn’t quite make it. They can be repurposed.

Getting as much diversity into your viewing and reading habits will pay dividends and have one thing you know a lot about. A hobby. Could be music. Art biscuits whatever.

4.] How do you know when you are done?

I make it.