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Words about words, brands, names and naming, and the creative process.

#sparkchamber 081522 — Sally Prosser

Public speaking strikes fear into the heart of an estimated 75% of the population [!] and #sparkchamber is on the case, today welcoming voice coach Sally Prosser. Sally has loved public speaking her whole life, and at age 16, set up her own Speech & Drama studio. She went on to thrive as a news reporter in TV and radio, then crossed over to public relations, acting as the spokesperson for one of Australia’s largest water companies.

In 2018, using her extensive experience, knowledge, and perspective about all things voice and presentation, Sally started her own coaching business. She provides practical, relatable, memorable tips and strategies to help anyone overcome anxiety to speak with freedom and joy. Her manifesto: I believe I can’t give you a good voice, I can only help you release the voice you already have within. I believe if you want your voice to connect with others, you must first connect with your own voice. I believe embodying your best voice comes with embodying your best self. I believe your voice sounds more genuine when you are aligned with your values. I believe in you and your voice.

Her That Voice podcast is a great starting place to understand and feel the power of voice. She also offers multiple 6-week online courses targeting specific results, as well as in-person or online one-on-one coaching, team workshops, and media training. Learn more or just follow along!

1.] Where do ideas come from?

I draw inspiration from the whole world around me. I need to have music playing when I work to be creative. And most good ideas drop in while I’m in the shower or staring at the clouds [opening that crown chakra!]

2.] What is the itch you are scratching?

Hearing someone say they don’t like their voice or are afraid of public speaking or have turned down an opportunity because it involved speaking ... comments like that light my fire and keep me going on my mission to help as many people as I can find their voice and speak with confidence.

3.] Early bird or night owl? Tortoise or hare?

I’m more of an early bird and I go fast. I love creating, experimenting, and finessing on the fly. I need music to work, a daily gym session to get my inspiration flowing, and jigsaw puzzles to get me off the screens and into a state of mindfulness.

4.] How do you know when you are done?

This depends on the task. I’m a big believer in done is better than perfect, so once I get it to a MVP, I’m satisfied!