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Words about words, brands, names and naming, and the creative process.

#sparkchamber 071524 — Amanda Alexander

2Summer is always a good time to relax, be where you are, and take in the view. With that vibe, #sparkchamber welcomes photographer Amanda Alexander, a resident of Keswick, Ontario who got into photography in 2021. “What inspired me to become serious is the support of my friends who saw my potential to capture stunning pictures sooner than myself.” Most of Amanda’s work portrays nature and wildlife, though she recently began to expand into street and architecture. Focused on “finding ways to display what my eye/brain sees when something catches my eye,” photography gives her an outlet to disconnect from the cerebral, and really feel what is going on around her. “Sometimes it’s planned, sometimes it’s spontaneous while working on something else.” She offers her work at 1409 Photography Shop on Etsy. A good opportunity for a summer refresh on the walls? A fresh view; a meditative, mini-getaway right there over the couch ;-)

1.] Where do ideas come from?

Nature, architecture, street scenes. When something catches my eye, my brain visualizes something that turns it into a picture I want to capture.

2.] What is the itch you are scratching?

The challenge in capturing what my brain sees before I take the picture. Even if it doesn’t come out the way I initially think it should, the time taken to get there is a lot of fun. When I hear the feedback and reaction from people to my work, it’s all worth it.

3.] Early bird or night owl? Tortoise or hare?

Still trying to figure that part out because it can be sporadic. Sometimes it’s spontaneous and I’ll go on a trek and capture pictures on the fly. In other cases, it’s something that sits in the back of my mind and I try to plan for it. Trying to balance it with a full-time job can be challenging.

4.] How do you know when you are done?

Not sure how to answer this one.