#sparkchamber 010625 — #CreativityMonth
January is #CreativityMonth. Creative Process is so intriguing, both to what one does and how one does it … the ways people find the time and make the space to get it — whatever it is — done.
Looking for insight, in January of 2017 Fussfactory launched #sparkchamber, a four-question mini-dive into what ignites the flame, what fuels the fire. Our weekly series is named after the device used in particle physics in the 1930s – 60s to reveal and track charged atomic particles. We think of this set of four questions as a verbal equivalent — to reveal and track the microscopic spark inside each of us.
And what a spectacular eight years of exploration and sharing it’s been! We have so enjoyed these weekly glimpses into the various forms of creativity and how it manifests. From out-of-the-blue consciousness to labor-intensive study, from dreamers to planners, innovators to adaptors, insomniacs to deep sleepers, auto-pilots to over-drivers — it is completely remarkable! And truly inspiring! [Complete archive here.] Seekers all, on individual paths forward and through, never giving up, wholly giving over.
And we want to know more … we’d love to hear from you! The 4-question thought-sparker is accessible online. If the mood strikes, have a look, and let us know what you’re up to.
Meanwhile, here’s to a wonderful new year of inspiration, opportunity, and realization. May all our creative visions find expression in 2025.