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Words about words, brands, names and naming, and the creative process.

#sparkchamber 091718 — Francesca Prada

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Motivated by love, connected through light, we welcome EP, HoP, and all-around creative wonder Francesca Prada to the #sparkchamber today. Francesca is a storymaker — drawn to mythopoeic narratives with multiple layers of meaning that truly engage an audience in enriching and lasting ways — and a producer — purposeful and practical. She earned a BA in English/Creative Writing from the University of Colorado, Boulder, completed course work at U.C. Berkeley's Haas School of Business on the Business of Film, and holds a certificate in Psychology through Harvard University's extension program, which she earned at the ripe old age of 18 [thoroughly confirming her uber-dork status in high school.]

Francesca is fully bi-lingual in Spanish and English, conversant in Italian, and marginal but not appalling in French. She grew up backstage at the Teatro Colon in Buenos Aires, and has been learning “the ropes” ever since she was tall enough to reach them backstage.

Her professional experience spans film, television, and theatrical, broadcast, digital, and integrated, studio, network, and independent, feature, episodic, and game production. In a word, everything! How does she do it? “I manage ideas, people, things, time, and money. Love is my preferred motivator. I am here to serve the story.”

1.] Where do ideas come from?

Everywhere, and they are there all the time, the really good ones come from out of the blue when you’re relaxed and engaged, without being too focused. 

2.] What is the itch you are scratching?

Joy, light, connection, and love. 

3.] Early bird or night owl, tortoise or hare?

I work at all hours depending on what the needs are. I prefer to work later in the day. Night Owl or early bird, as long as there’s a nap in there somewhere so I can dream a little.

4.] How do you know when you are done?

When I catch myself overthinking it, or when someone on my team does.