#sparkchamber 040124 — Flora Pilso advertising, branding, Canada, cartography, communications, creative, language, mind game, april fools, hoax, whimsicalS QuinnApril 1, 2024
#sparkchamber 091222 — Leena Culhane artist, California, connector, creative, creator, culinary, entrepreneur, fearlessness, food, impermanence, Los Angeles, music, musician, New York, NYC, observer, performer, pivot, san francisco, singer, small business, songwriter, storyteller, sustainability, theater, UCLAS QuinnSeptember 12, 2022Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Artist, Crudo e Nudo, California, New York, NYC, Restaurant, Musicians, Observer, Community, Boundaries, Creative Process
#sparkchamber 111521 — Violet Manton artist, arts, creative, drawing, dreamer, fearlessness, film, future, generalist, high school, horses, illustration, impermanence, joy-seeking, nature, nature lover, observer, paper, photography, pivot, processS QuinnNovember 15, 2021Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Violet Manton, Artist, Arts, Creative, Observer, Creative Process, November 15th
#sparkchamber 081621 — S. Quinn baseball lover, branding, California, cat lover, celebration, communications, crafting, crafts, creative, creative director, entrepreneur, freelance, impermanence, language, Los Angeles, lucky, marketer, naming, questionnaire, small business, strategy, wordplay, writerS QuinnAugust 16, 2021Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, S. Quinn, Creative Process, Founder, Creative Director, Shakespeare, Baseball Lover, Knitting, Quilting, Cat Lover, Wordsmith, Monday Motivation
#sparkchamber 070521 — Ranjana Naik advertising, branding, communications, creative, freedom, New York, NYC, poet, storyteller, strategy, haikuS QuinnJuly 5, 2021Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Ranjana Naik, Advertising, Branding, NYC, Storytelling, Story, Narrative, Tale, Poet, Creative Process, Monday Motivation
#sparkchamber 030121 — Melquea Smith cat lover, creative, drawing, illustration, illustrator, joy-seeking, light, self-taught, spirits, storymaker, storyteller, whimsical, New York, children's books, magic, animation, otherworldly, dragons, videogames, mythologyS QuinnMarch 1, 2021Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Melquea Smith, Storymaker, Imagination, Creative, Cat Lover, Joy Maker, Dragons, Mythical, Magic, Motivation Monday, Creative Process
#sparkchamber 010421 — Natalie Nixon anthropology, author, creative, dance, editor, educator, entrepreneur, fearlessness, ideas, intuitive, Philadelphia, strategy, traveling, fashion, BrazilS QuinnJanuary 4, 2021Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Natalie Nixon, The Creativity Leap, Creativity, Innovation, Author, anthropology, Strategy, Improvisation, Agility, Monday Motivation
#sparkchamber 121420 — Neal Foard advertising, branding, comic books, communications, creative, creative director, creator, freelance, marketer, strategyS QuinnDecember 14, 2020Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Neal Foard, Creative Director, Creator, Marketer, Freelance, Monday Motivation
#sparkchamber 101920 — Robert Friedman branding, California, catalyst, coach, communications, courage, creative, fearlessness, hiking, marketer, process, storyteller, strategyS QuinnOctober 19, 2020Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Fearless Branding, Branding, California, Courage, Eye-opening, Thought Leader
One more thing ... branding, communications, confidence, courage, creative, fearlessness, language, mind game, naming, strategy, wordplayS QuinnMay 5, 2020PlaysWithWords, Fussfactory, Brandish, Branding, Communications, Creative, Courage, Naming, Marketing, Strategy
#sparkchamber 030920 — Rita Torres artist, Brooklyn, crafting, crafts, creative, creator, drawing, embroidery, energy, family, fearlessness, fiber, Florida, innovation, joy-seeking, love, maker, memory, needlepoint, painter, process, sewing, time, visual artist, whimsical, momS QuinnMarch 9, 2020Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Rita Torres, Artist, Brooklyn, Maker, Creator, Creative Process, Brooklym, Sewing
#sparkchamber 010620 — Three Years! creative, patterns, process, questionnaire, timeS QuinnJanuary 6, 2020Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Creativity, Creativity Month, Inspiration, Happy Anniversary, Creative Process, Questionnaire, Planner, Innovator, Dreamer, Adaptor
#sparkchamber 071519 — Juana Merlo art director, artist, branding, communications, creative, daughter, designer, dog lover, doodles, drawing, fearlessness, freelance, wife, Washington DCS QuinnJuly 15, 2019Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Juana Merlo, Graphic Artist, Washington, DC, Strategic thinker, Art Director, Creative Process, Monday Motivation
#sparkchamber 040119 — Flora Pilso advertising, branding, Canada, cartography, communications, creative, language, mind game, whimsical, wordplay, april fools, hoaxS QuinnApril 1, 2019Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, April Fools' Day, Flora Pilso, branding, advertising, persuasion, mind game, fun, MondayFunday
#sparkchamber 011419 — Now We're Two! creative, ideas, innovation, patterns, process, questionnaire, real-time expressionS QuinnJanuary 14, 2019Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, creative process, monday motivation, ideas, innovation
#sparkchamber 121018 — Evan Sadler creative, connector, educator, innovation, meditation, san francisco, storymaker, seattle, productionS QuinnDecember 10, 2018sparkchamber, fussfactory, brandish, Evan Sadler, CreativeLive, Seattle, San Francisco, Educational resource, collaboration, connector, storymaker, creative process, Monday Motivation, Monday Mood
#sparkchamber 112518 — Nancie McDonnell Ruder advertising, author, branding, communications, creative, problem solver, business leaderS QuinnNovember 26, 2018Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Nancie McDonnell Ruder, Noetic Consultants, Author, Advertising, Problem Solver, Business Leader, Creative Process, monday motivation
#sparkchamber 111218 — Guillaume Wolf author, catalyst, creative, creator, dreamer, educator, entrepreneur, facilitator, fearlessness, process, professor, speaker, teaching, writerS QuinnNovember 12, 2018sparkchamber, fussfactory, Guillaume Wolf, Prof G, Author, catalyst, Professor, creative process, speaker, entrepreneur, monday motivation
#sparkchamber 100818 — Jean George branding, strategy, facilitator, mba, creative, process, TorontoS QuinnOctober 8, 2018sparkchamber, fussfactory, brandish, Jean George, branding, strategy, process, Rotman School of Management, MBA, University of Toronto, creative, monday motivation
#sparkchamber 091718 — Francesca Prada creative, creator, geek / nerd, joy-seeking, layers, over-thinker, producer, storymakerS QuinnSeptember 17, 2018sparkchamber, fussfactory, brandish, Francesca Prada, Executive Producer, Producer, Storymaker, Storyteller, filmmaker, Teatro Colon, joy seeker, creator, creative process, Monday Motivation