#sparkchamber 012025 — MLK Jr. and Inauguration Day activist, Black History, changemaker, civil rights, civil service, courage, democracy, diversity, dreamer, educator, equal rights, fearlessness, freedom, future, history, justice, love, minister, pivot, politics, pop culture, president, public policy, service, social change, social justice, voice, vote, Washington DCS QuinnJanuary 20, 2025
#sparkchamber 011524 — MLK Day feat. Heather Cox Richardson activist, advocate, catalyst, civil rights, civil service, courage, democracy, dreamer, educator, equal rights, fearlessness, freedom, journalist, light, light-sharer, love, politics, service, social change, social justice, speaker, visionary, vote, Black History, ministerS QuinnJanuary 15, 2024
#sparkchamber 022023 — Presidents' Day civil service, democracy, freedom, politics, president, service, vote, Washington DCS QuinnFebruary 20, 2023Squarespace, Fussfactory, Brandish, Presidents' Day, Civic Service, Democracy, Creative Process
#sparkchamber 011623 — Hakeem Jeffries on MLK Day activist, advocate, alliteration, Black History, Brooklyn, catalyst, changemaker, civil rights, civil service, courage, democracy, diversity, dreamer, equal rights, equity, freedom, go-getter, history, justice, language, light-sharer, politics, public policy, service, social change, social justice, speaker, trailblaze, voice, voteS QuinnJanuary 16, 2023Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Hakeem Jeffries, MLK Day, Martin Luther King Jr Day, Activist, Advocate, Public Policy, light-sharer, Language, House Minority Leader
#sparkchamber 070422 — Democracy on the Line civil rights, civil service, courage, diversity, equal rights, freedom, future, history, impermanence, non-fiction, politics, president, public policy, service, social change, social justice, vote, democracyS QuinnJuly 4, 2022Fussfactory, Sparkchamber, Civil Rights, Civil Service, Social Change, July 4th, Democracy
#sparkchamber 101121 — reconsidering history activist, advocate, balance, Black History, ceiling-shatterer, changemaker, civil rights, civil service, courage, educator, equal rights, freedom, historian, layers, narrative, painter, patterns, politics, public policy, social change, social justice, trailblaze, vote, historyS QuinnOctober 11, 2021Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Activist, Advocate, Politics, Public Policy, Historian, Lucian Freud, Peter Marshall, Eleanor Roosevelt, Nikole Hannah-Jones, Monday Motivation, History, Creative Process
#sparkchamber 011821 — Martin Luther King, Jr. Day activist, advocate, catalyst, civil rights, civil service, courage, dreamer, educator, equal rights, fearlessness, freedom, journalist, love, politics, service, social change, social justice, speaker, visionary, vote, Washington DCS QuinnJanuary 18, 2021Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Martin Luther King, Martin Luther King Jr Day, Activit, Advocate, Social Change
#sparkchamber 120720 — Franklin Delano Roosevelt civil service, courage, fearlessness, freedom, Hawaii, politics, service, time, visionary, Washington DC, president, statesmanS QuinnDecember 7, 2020Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Pearl Harbor, Civil Service, Courage, Visionary, Washinton DC
#sparkchamber 110220 — a public service announcement catalyst, civil rights, civil service, equal rights, fearlessness, freedom, justice, politics, social change, social justice, voteS QuinnNovember 2, 2020Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Vote, Civil Rights, Social Change, Politics, PSA
#sparkchamber 100520 — World Teachers' Day catalyst, civil rights, civil service, courage, educator, equal rights, fearlessness, gratitude, justice, politics, service, social change, social justice, teaching, voteS QuinnOctober 5, 2020Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, #WorldTeachersDay, Civil Rights, catalyst, Social Change, Social Justice, Monday Motivation
#sparkchamber 012020 — Martin Luther King, Jr. activist, Alabama, catalyst, ceiling-shatterer, civil rights, civil service, connector, courage, dreamer, educator, equal rights, fearlessness, freedom, justice, light, light-sharer, love, seeker, seeker of truth, service, social change, social justice, speaker, visionary, voteS QuinnJanuary 20, 2020Martin Luther King, Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Legacy, Progressive, Activist, Seeker, Creative Process
#sparkchamber 120919 — Pamela Hetherington arts, brewery, catalyst, civil service, dance, entrepreneur, installation, love, painter, performing arts, Philadelphia, tap dance, urban environment, gofundmeS QuinnDecember 9, 2019Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Pamela hetherington, arts, brewery, urban environment, catalyst, choreography, painting, fundraiser, Monday Motivation, Kaitlin Chow, Muralist, Philadelphia
#sparkchamber 081219 — Buddy Scott broadcasting, impermanence, process, veteran, radio, chiropractic, civil service, history buffS QuinnAugust 12, 2019Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Buddy Scott, Romantic, History Buff, Civil Servant, Problem solving, ROTC, Systems, Paths, Passion, Creative Process, Monday Motivation