Baja Blast
A signature, tropical-lime flavored Mountain Dew soft drink, initially offered exclusively at Taco Bell Restaurants.

Strategic Challenge
Taco Bell and Mountain Dew are powerful, prominent consumer brands, each with their own singular brand equity.
Mountain Dew is a symbol of young, in-your-face invincibility, while Taco Bell (at the time, 2004) represented affordable, Mexican-inspired fast-casual food for young families — a little bit of a treat, a getaway. [Side note: Taco Bell has actively (brilliantly, with great effectiveness) re-focused marketing efforts toward Millennials, bringing these two equities into closer alignment today than they once were.]
The strategic challenge is in crafting a name that accurately captures the product essence, and at the same time, builds equally on the messaging and promise of each of the two brands.

Fussfactory Solution
Baja Blast
Baja is a Mexican state bordering California:
• Expresses the Mexican-inspired American fare served at Taco Bell
• Evokes an appealing, attainable family getaway spot
• A mecca for extreme activities — paragliding, shark diving, kite surfing, ATV riding, bungee jumping — appealing to the Mountain Dew audience
The color of the beverage recalls the turquoise water of the Baja Coast

Feel the Blast
The word blast has several relevant meanings:
• An explosion — of flavor and energy
• A sudden or violent gust of wind — kitesurfing anyone?
• Slang term meaning a riotously good time; a thrill; a treat
Suggests the term full blast — at maximum capacity
Alliterative B creates musicality and memorability, aiding recall
Evocative and experiential, the name Baja Blast is inviting and engaging, and appeals in completely different ways to the core audiences of the two brands; a good time at a family-friendly getaway, and an extreme rush on the other side of the border