#sparkchamber 102422 — Bee Betwee acrylic, artist, California, color, fearlessness, fiber, illustrator, joy-seeking, paper, pop culture, san francisco, sculptor, whimsical, Philippines, Creativity, PersuasionS QuinnOctober 24, 2022Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Bee Betwee, Artist, San Francisco, California, Phillippines, Illustrator, Sculptor, Graphic Art, The Art of Business, Creative Process, Creativity, Inspiration, Ideas, Success, Influence, Persuasion
#sparkchamber 062121 — Vinnie Bagwell Black History, ceiling-shatterer, civil rights, courage, equal rights, fearlessness, New York, sculptor, self-taught, social change, social justice, vote, public art, JuneteenthS QuinnJune 21, 2021Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Vinnie Bagwell, Black History, Sculptor, Self-taught, Juneteenth, Social Change, Social Good, NYC, Yonkers, Fine Art, Sculpture