#sparkchamber 081423 — Bee Betwee artist, California, illustrator, justice, san francisco, social justice, vote, womenS QuinnAugust 14, 2023
#sparkchamber 121922 — Fisher Monahan adventurer, artist, Canada, drawing, explorer, illustration, meditation, nature, Ontario, san francisco, wanderer, whimsicalS QuinnDecember 19, 2022Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Fisher Monahan, adventurer, artist, hiker, Canadian, Ontario, California, San Francisco, Wanderer, Sketch, Ezine, Freelance Writer, Illustrator, Sweetgrass Chronicles, Creative Process, Nature, Observation
#sparkchamber 102422 — Bee Betwee acrylic, artist, California, color, fearlessness, fiber, illustrator, joy-seeking, paper, pop culture, san francisco, sculptor, whimsical, Philippines, Creativity, PersuasionS QuinnOctober 24, 2022Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Bee Betwee, Artist, San Francisco, California, Phillippines, Illustrator, Sculptor, Graphic Art, The Art of Business, Creative Process, Creativity, Inspiration, Ideas, Success, Influence, Persuasion
#sparkchamber 091222 — Leena Culhane artist, California, connector, creative, creator, culinary, entrepreneur, fearlessness, food, impermanence, Los Angeles, music, musician, New York, NYC, observer, performer, pivot, san francisco, singer, small business, songwriter, storyteller, sustainability, theater, UCLAS QuinnSeptember 12, 2022Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Artist, Crudo e Nudo, California, New York, NYC, Restaurant, Musicians, Observer, Community, Boundaries, Creative Process
#sparkchamber 040620 — Mitche Manitou artist, baseball lover, branding, Brooklyn, California, cat lover, conversation, designer, family, Florida, layers, naming, process, san francisco, wordplay, being, procrastinateS QuinnApril 6, 2020Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Mitche Manitou, Artist, Baseball Lover, Florida, Wordplay, Designer, San Francisco, Creative Process
#sparkchamber 121018 — Evan Sadler creative, connector, educator, innovation, meditation, san francisco, storymaker, seattle, productionS QuinnDecember 10, 2018sparkchamber, fussfactory, brandish, Evan Sadler, CreativeLive, Seattle, San Francisco, Educational resource, collaboration, connector, storymaker, creative process, Monday Motivation, Monday Mood
#sparkchamber 040218 — Wendy Farina artist, music, songwriter, filmmaker, writer, drummer, san franciscoS QuinnApril 2, 2018sparkchamber, fussfactory, Wendy Farina, songwriter, artist, music, San Francisco, Creative Process