Alliteration: Sound Strategy alliteration, wordplay, branding, communications, design, linguistic tool, memory, mind game, naming, strategy, soundS QuinnApril 23, 2019PlaysWithWords, Wordplay, Alliteration, branding, branding tips, naming, Strategy, Clarity, Connection, Persuasion, attention, Lingo Bingo
#sparkchamber 040119 — Flora Pilso advertising, branding, Canada, cartography, communications, creative, language, mind game, whimsical, wordplay, april fools, hoaxS QuinnApril 1, 2019Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, April Fools' Day, Flora Pilso, branding, advertising, persuasion, mind game, fun, MondayFunday
#sparkchamber 100818 — Jean George branding, strategy, facilitator, mba, creative, process, TorontoS QuinnOctober 8, 2018sparkchamber, fussfactory, brandish, Jean George, branding, strategy, process, Rotman School of Management, MBA, University of Toronto, creative, monday motivation