#sparkchamber 062121 — Vinnie Bagwell Black History, ceiling-shatterer, civil rights, courage, equal rights, fearlessness, New York, sculptor, self-taught, social change, social justice, vote, public art, JuneteenthS QuinnJune 21, 2021Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Vinnie Bagwell, Black History, Sculptor, Self-taught, Juneteenth, Social Change, Social Good, NYC, Yonkers, Fine Art, Sculpture
#sparkchamber 020121 — Black History Month athlete, baseball lover, Brooklyn, catalyst, celebration, civil rights, courage, equal rights, fearlessness, justice, social change, social justice, sports, trailblaze, Black HistoryS QuinnFebruary 1, 2021Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Black History Month, baseball love, Social Change, Social Good, catalyst, Monday Motivation
#sparkchamber 011821 — Martin Luther King, Jr. Day activist, advocate, catalyst, civil rights, civil service, courage, dreamer, educator, equal rights, fearlessness, freedom, journalist, love, politics, service, social change, social justice, speaker, visionary, vote, Washington DCS QuinnJanuary 18, 2021Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Martin Luther King, Martin Luther King Jr Day, Activit, Advocate, Social Change
#sparkchamber 110220 — a public service announcement catalyst, civil rights, civil service, equal rights, fearlessness, freedom, justice, politics, social change, social justice, voteS QuinnNovember 2, 2020Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Vote, Civil Rights, Social Change, Politics, PSA
#sparkchamber 101220 — Leslie Alfin artist, collage, entrepreneur, ex-pat, freedom, installation, NYC, painter, patterns, service, social change, social justice, UK, visual artist, LondonS QuinnOctober 12, 2020Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Leslie Alfin, Artist, collage, Social Justice, painter, social change, social good, monday motivation
#sparkchamber 100520 — World Teachers' Day catalyst, civil rights, civil service, courage, educator, equal rights, fearlessness, gratitude, justice, politics, service, social change, social justice, teaching, voteS QuinnOctober 5, 2020Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, #WorldTeachersDay, Civil Rights, catalyst, Social Change, Social Justice, Monday Motivation
#sparkchamber 091420 — Ricky Romain activist, artist, civil rights, courage, drawing, educator, equal rights, freedom, humanitarian, impermanence, landscapes, layers, music, painter, politics, social change, social justice, teaching, UK, vote, sitarS QuinnSeptember 14, 2020Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Ricky Romain, Human Rights Artist, Musician, Sitar, Activist, Artist, Social Justice, Civil Rights
#sparkchamber 061520 — Jeff Brawn activist, artist, civil rights, dad, drawing, family, husband, illustration, illustrator, novels, painter, self-taught, social justice, writer, PortlandS QuinnJune 15, 2020Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Jeff Brawn, Artist, Activist, Social Justice, Civil Rights, Portland, Creative Process
#sparkchamber 042720 — Amy Smith activist, artist, California, equal rights, fearlessness, justice, layers, Los Angeles, mom, multimedia, patterns, photography, self-taught, social change, social justice, social mediaS QuinnApril 27, 2020Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Amy Smith, Activist, Artist, California, Social Change, Social Good, Creative Process
#sparkchamber 021020 — Stéphanie Fillion author, broadcasting, Canada, communications, journalist, McGill, NYC, podcaster, politics, producer, social justice, writer, reporter, UNS QuinnFebruary 10, 2020Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Stéphanie Fillion, Author, Broadcasting, NYC, Canada, Producer, Social Justice, Writer, UN, Creative Process
#sparkchamber 012020 — Martin Luther King, Jr. activist, Alabama, catalyst, ceiling-shatterer, civil rights, civil service, connector, courage, dreamer, educator, equal rights, fearlessness, freedom, justice, light, light-sharer, love, seeker, seeker of truth, service, social change, social justice, speaker, visionary, voteS QuinnJanuary 20, 2020Martin Luther King, Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Legacy, Progressive, Activist, Seeker, Creative Process
#sparkchamber 122319 — Love and Light connector, family, gratitude, humanitarian, joy-seeking, justice, light, love, politics, seeker, social justice, spirits, timeS QuinnDecember 23, 2019Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Love and Light, John Lennon, Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu, Jimi Hendrix, Connection, Family, Traditions, Celebrations, 2020, Happier2020, Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas
#sparkchamber 093019 — Jessica Maan acrylic, artist, arts, Canada, environment, gallery, painter, social change, social justice, Toronto, urban environment, visionaryS QuinnSeptember 30, 2019Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Jessica Maan, Gladstone Hotel, artist, vision, selfies, social justice, creative space, gallery, creator, creative process, Art Show
#sparkchamber 051319 — 19th Amendment Centennial activist, advocate, archivist, author, catalyst, ceiling-shatterer, civil rights, curator, educator, equal rights, fearlessness, historian, justice, politics, professor, seeker of truth, social change, social justice, teaching, Washington DC, voteS QuinnMay 13, 2019Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Dr. Robyn Muncy, Prof of History, University of Maryland, 19th Amendment Centennial, The National Archives, Rightfully Hers: American Women and The Vote, Activist, Advocate, Progressivism, Creative Process
#sparkchamber 012119 — honoring Martin Luther King, Jr. advocate, catalyst, dreamer, educator, fearlessness, justice, light-sharer, politics, radical consciousness, seeker of truth, social change, social justice, speaker, visionary, civil rights, activist, equal rightsS QuinnJanuary 21, 2019sparkchamber, fussfactory, Dr. King, Martin Luther King, Dreamer, Advocate, Changemaker, Civil Rights, Human Rights, Progressive, Visionary, Creative Process, Monday Motivation
#sparkchamber 120417 — Megan Kitt coffee-lover, entrepreneur, humanitarian, journalist, photography, social justice, traveling, writer, jewelry, HawaiiS QuinnDecember 4, 2017sparkchamber, fussfactory, Megan Kitt, writer, photographer, entrepreneur, creative process, Africa, 12 days of impact
#sparkchamber 022017 Kum-Kum Bhavnani social justice, filmmaker, teachingS QuinnApril 23, 2017sparkchamber, fussfactory, creative process, filmmaker, galapagos