#sparkchamber 022122 — Robin DiAngelo author, Black History, civil rights, corporate, educator, equal rights, history, justice, non-fiction, social change, social justice, teaching, trainer, vote, diversity, equity, inclusionS QuinnFebruary 21, 2022sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Robin DiAngelo, Author, Black History Month, Social Change, Diversity, Vote
#sparkchamber 021422 — Heather McGhee advocate, author, Black History, changemaker, civil rights, equal rights, history, illustration, justice, non-fiction, optimist, politics, public policy, service, social change, social justice, voteS QuinnFebruary 14, 2022sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Heather McGhee, Advocate, Author, Public Policy, The Sum of Us, TED Talks, Vote, Ezra Klein Show Podcast, Black History, Black History Month, David McConachie
#sparkchamber 020722 — Caroline Randall Williams artist, author, ballet, Black History, changemaker, civil rights, cookbook, courage, daughter, educator, energy, equal rights, fearlessness, freedom, history, justice, light, Nashville, performer, poet, politics, radical consciousness, social change, social justice, teaching, vote, writerS QuinnFebruary 7, 2022Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Caroline Randall Williams, Artist, Author, Ballet, Social Change, Poet, Cookbook
#sparkchamber 013122 — LaGarrett J. King author, Black History, civil rights, educator, equal rights, freedom, history, Juneteenth, justice, professor, public policy, scholar, social change, social justice, teaching, vote, writerS QuinnJanuary 31, 2022Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, LaGarrett J. King, Black History Month, Author, Public Policy, Social Change, Social Good, Scholar
#sparkchamber 101121 — reconsidering history activist, advocate, balance, Black History, ceiling-shatterer, changemaker, civil rights, civil service, courage, educator, equal rights, freedom, historian, layers, narrative, painter, patterns, politics, public policy, social change, social justice, trailblaze, vote, historyS QuinnOctober 11, 2021Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Activist, Advocate, Politics, Public Policy, Historian, Lucian Freud, Peter Marshall, Eleanor Roosevelt, Nikole Hannah-Jones, Monday Motivation, History, Creative Process
#sparkchamber 071221 — Malala Yousafzai activist, advocate, author, catalyst, ceiling-shatterer, celebration, civil rights, courage, daughter, educator, equal rights, family, fearlessness, justice, light, light-sharer, literacy, social change, social justice, speaker, teaching, UK, visionary, voteS QuinnJuly 12, 2021Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Malala Yousafzai, Activist, Advocate, Light-Sharer, Equal Rights, #GenerationEquality, Fearlessness, Justice, Courage, Creative Process, Happy Birthday
#sparkchamber 062121 — Vinnie Bagwell Black History, ceiling-shatterer, civil rights, courage, equal rights, fearlessness, New York, sculptor, self-taught, social change, social justice, vote, public art, JuneteenthS QuinnJune 21, 2021Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Vinnie Bagwell, Black History, Sculptor, Self-taught, Juneteenth, Social Change, Social Good, NYC, Yonkers, Fine Art, Sculpture
#sparkchamber 011821 — Martin Luther King, Jr. Day activist, advocate, catalyst, civil rights, civil service, courage, dreamer, educator, equal rights, fearlessness, freedom, journalist, love, politics, service, social change, social justice, speaker, visionary, vote, Washington DCS QuinnJanuary 18, 2021Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Martin Luther King, Martin Luther King Jr Day, Activit, Advocate, Social Change
#sparkchamber 110220 — a public service announcement catalyst, civil rights, civil service, equal rights, fearlessness, freedom, justice, politics, social change, social justice, voteS QuinnNovember 2, 2020Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Vote, Civil Rights, Social Change, Politics, PSA
#sparkchamber 102620 — The Word Game alliteration, blended words, catalyst, communications, compound words, fearlessness, homograph, homonym, homophone, language, layers, linguistic tool, marketer, mind game, naming, onomatopoeia, oxymoron, portmanteau, process, rhyme, sound, strategy, vote, wordplayS QuinnOctober 21, 2020#PlaysWithWords, Fussfactory, Brandish, Wordcraft, Wordsmith, The Word Game, Words, Branding, Marketing
#sparkchamber 100520 — World Teachers' Day catalyst, civil rights, civil service, courage, educator, equal rights, fearlessness, gratitude, justice, politics, service, social change, social justice, teaching, voteS QuinnOctober 5, 2020Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, #WorldTeachersDay, Civil Rights, catalyst, Social Change, Social Justice, Monday Motivation
#sparkchamber 091420 — Ricky Romain activist, artist, civil rights, courage, drawing, educator, equal rights, freedom, humanitarian, impermanence, landscapes, layers, music, painter, politics, social change, social justice, teaching, UK, vote, sitarS QuinnSeptember 14, 2020Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Ricky Romain, Human Rights Artist, Musician, Sitar, Activist, Artist, Social Justice, Civil Rights
#sparkchamber 012020 — Martin Luther King, Jr. activist, Alabama, catalyst, ceiling-shatterer, civil rights, civil service, connector, courage, dreamer, educator, equal rights, fearlessness, freedom, justice, light, light-sharer, love, seeker, seeker of truth, service, social change, social justice, speaker, visionary, voteS QuinnJanuary 20, 2020Martin Luther King, Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Legacy, Progressive, Activist, Seeker, Creative Process
#sparkchamber 051319 — 19th Amendment Centennial activist, advocate, archivist, author, catalyst, ceiling-shatterer, civil rights, curator, educator, equal rights, fearlessness, historian, justice, politics, professor, seeker of truth, social change, social justice, teaching, Washington DC, voteS QuinnMay 13, 2019Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Dr. Robyn Muncy, Prof of History, University of Maryland, 19th Amendment Centennial, The National Archives, Rightfully Hers: American Women and The Vote, Activist, Advocate, Progressivism, Creative Process