#sparkchamber 091420 — Ricky Romain activist, artist, civil rights, courage, drawing, educator, equal rights, freedom, humanitarian, impermanence, landscapes, layers, music, painter, politics, social change, social justice, teaching, UK, vote, sitarS QuinnSeptember 14, 2020Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Ricky Romain, Human Rights Artist, Musician, Sitar, Activist, Artist, Social Justice, Civil Rights
#sparkchamber 090720 — Terry Barge author, communications, connector, educator, fearlessness, speaker, trainer, UK, corporate, salesS QuinnSeptember 7, 2020Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Terry Barge, Strategy, Selling, Sales, UK, Author, Corporate Educator, Monday Motivation
#sparkchamber 051120 — Kimberly Rues catalyst, connector, educator, librarian, light-sharer, literacy, writerS QuinnMay 11, 2020Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Kimberly Rues, catalyst, Connector, Literacy, Light-sharer, librarian, creative process
#sparkchamber 022420 — Carrie Hamilton design, designer, educator, NYC, observer, photography, teaching, the everyday, urban environment, wanderer, typographyS QuinnFebruary 24, 2020Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Carrie Hamilton, Designer, Euducator, typography, Found Typography, Creative Process, Monday Motivation
#sparkchamber 021720 — Amanda Davis artist, arts, author, creator, daughter, dog lover, drawing, educator, family, high school, horses, illustration, illustrator, MA, nature lover, painter, poet, photography, storymaker, teaching, visual artist, wife, writerS QuinnFebruary 17, 2020Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Amanda Davis, Art Educator of the Year, Artist, Arts, Author, Storymaker, Teacher, Inspiration, Massachusetts Art Education Association, Love Teaching Week, Creative Process, Monday Motivation
#sparkchamber 020320 — Monica L. Smith author, educator, environment, Los Angeles, order, organizational, patterns, time, urban environment, UCLA, archaeology, anthropologyS QuinnFebruary 3, 2020Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Monica L. Smith, Anthropolgy, Author, Speaker, Urban Environment, Cities, Archaeologist, UCLA, Creative Process, Monday Motivation
#sparkchamber 012020 — Martin Luther King, Jr. activist, Alabama, catalyst, ceiling-shatterer, civil rights, civil service, connector, courage, dreamer, educator, equal rights, fearlessness, freedom, justice, light, light-sharer, love, seeker, seeker of truth, service, social change, social justice, speaker, visionary, voteS QuinnJanuary 20, 2020Martin Luther King, Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Legacy, Progressive, Activist, Seeker, Creative Process
#sparkchamber 101419 — Mirabai Starr author, educator, energy, facilitator, light, light-sharer, mystic, nature, seeker, speaker, storyteller, teaching, writerS QuinnOctober 14, 2019Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Mirabai Starr, Author, eudcator, seeker, speaker, creative process
#sparkchamber 060319 — Jeff Woodrow baseball lover, Canada, dad, design, designer, drawing, educator, entrepreneur, ex-pat, family, fearlessness, film, husband, illustration, innovation, meditation, painter, photography, poet, process, teaching, technology, thailand, video, visual artistS QuinnJune 3, 2019Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Jeff Woodrow, United World College of Thailand, Social Entreprenure, Social Change, Animation, Music Videos, Artist, Global Citizen, Baseball Lover, Film, Philosophy, Canadian, Meditation, Painter, Creative Process, Monday Motivation
#sparkchamber 051319 — 19th Amendment Centennial activist, advocate, archivist, author, catalyst, ceiling-shatterer, civil rights, curator, educator, equal rights, fearlessness, historian, justice, politics, professor, seeker of truth, social change, social justice, teaching, Washington DC, voteS QuinnMay 13, 2019Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Dr. Robyn Muncy, Prof of History, University of Maryland, 19th Amendment Centennial, The National Archives, Rightfully Hers: American Women and The Vote, Activist, Advocate, Progressivism, Creative Process
#sparkchamber 030419 — Kamand Kojouri writer, poet, wordplay, homophone, author, educator, humanitarian, language, light-sharer, seeker, loveS QuinnMarch 4, 2019Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Kamand Kojouri, Poet, writer, artist, seeker, humanitarian, wordplay, Monday Motivation
#sparkchamber 020419 — Gio Marinucci business leader, Canada, catalyst, connector, director, dreamer, educator, entrepreneur, facilitator, family, fearlessness, ideas, innovation, optimist, problem solver, processS QuinnFebruary 4, 2019sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Giovanni Marinucci, John Marinucci, Business Leader, Connector, Leader, Changemaker, Philanthropist, Educator, Monday Motivation, Creative Process
#sparkchamber 012819 — Daphne Gray-Grant author, communications, coach, editor, educator, entrepreneur, teaching, writerS QuinnJanuary 28, 2019Sparkchamber, Fussfactory, Brandish, Daphne Gray-Grant, Author, Editor, Communications, Creative Process, Monday Motivation
#sparkchamber 012119 — honoring Martin Luther King, Jr. advocate, catalyst, dreamer, educator, fearlessness, justice, light-sharer, politics, radical consciousness, seeker of truth, social change, social justice, speaker, visionary, civil rights, activist, equal rightsS QuinnJanuary 21, 2019sparkchamber, fussfactory, Dr. King, Martin Luther King, Dreamer, Advocate, Changemaker, Civil Rights, Human Rights, Progressive, Visionary, Creative Process, Monday Motivation
#sparkchamber 121718 — Stephen Janis journalist, author, documentary films, educator, fearlessness, patterns, writerS QuinnDecember 17, 2018sparkchamber, fussfactory, brandish, Stephen Janis, author, journalist, patterns, creative process, monday motivation
#sparkchamber 121018 — Evan Sadler creative, connector, educator, innovation, meditation, san francisco, storymaker, seattle, productionS QuinnDecember 10, 2018sparkchamber, fussfactory, brandish, Evan Sadler, CreativeLive, Seattle, San Francisco, Educational resource, collaboration, connector, storymaker, creative process, Monday Motivation, Monday Mood
#sparkchamber 120318 — Clynton Taylor innovation, design, organizational, anthroplogy, coach, communications, connector, creator, educator, problem solver, strategy, teaching, visionaryS QuinnDecember 3, 2018Sparkchamber, fussfactory, brandish, Clynton Taylor, strategist, design, consultant, anthropology, Problem Solver, CEDIM Mexico, California College of the Arts, Creative Process, Monday Motivation
#sparkchamber 111218 — Guillaume Wolf author, catalyst, creative, creator, dreamer, educator, entrepreneur, facilitator, fearlessness, process, professor, speaker, teaching, writerS QuinnNovember 12, 2018sparkchamber, fussfactory, Guillaume Wolf, Prof G, Author, catalyst, Professor, creative process, speaker, entrepreneur, monday motivation
#sparkchamber 101518 — Alison Crowley yoga, therapy, advocate, caregiver, catalyst, connector, daughter, educator, entrepreneur, facilitator, fearlessness, healer, health, impermanence, light-sharer, meditation, metaphysics, mystic, neuroscience, optimist, process, teaching, the everydayS QuinnOctober 15, 2018sparkchamber, fussfactory, brandish, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Cancer Moonshot, Find a cure, Yoga therapy, Alison Crowley, teaching, connection, creative process, monday motivation
#sparkchamber 090318 — AK Ikwuakor unbranded, athlete, educator, entrepreneur, coach, dad, traveling, storyteller, speaker, thrill seekingS QuinnSeptember 3, 2018sparkchamber, fussfactory, brandish, AK Ikwuakor, unbranded, athlete, leader, dad, traveling, inspiration, connection, Monday Motivation, creative process